The goal of this project was to modernize our company factsheet template (this single template is used to display data on over 200 million companies). We needed a design that provided a clear and simple way to help the customer understand the value and data on the page. We accomplished this by:

  • Creating fixed height modular content buckets (helps the users eyes to easily scan and consume info).
  • Using a dashboard / app approach to enhance the value of the content.
  • Replacing several competing CTAs with 1 primary, easy to see, and understand CTA.
  • Designing a minimal and clean aesthetics / enhancing brand strength

Key players included:

  • Leader of Customer Experience & Solutions
  • Usability Analyst
  • Competitive review to see how our competitors engage with customers.
  • Hand sketched ideas to think through IA and layout.
  • Turned hand sketches into high-fidelity wireframes.
  • Created and applied aesthetics to engage the user and enhance brand strength.
  • Performed user tests on 5 participants from
  • Pencil & Paper
  • Photoshop (wireframes & user interface designs)
  • Invision (prototype)

My Role & Contributions

  • UI / UX Designer
  • Hand Sketches
  • Information Architecture
  • User Interface Design
  • Interaction Design

User Interface Design